
About us

Code of Discipline

This Code of discipline is set forth for every Academician to live and follow during his/her stay in Lucban Academy.

The ID Card is an important personal document needed in order to enter the school campus. It should be worn throughout their stay in the campus. It is nontransferable. Tampering it is discouraged. Lost School ID should be reported to the Principal at the soonest possible time for replacement.
IDs must not have stickers or accessories on it.

Students shall wear the school uniform with pride and dignity.

For Girls:
White Gala Uniform with Ribbon with white camisole and plain brassiere (Monday)
Whole Blue with Red Ribbon (Tuesday and Friday)
Half Blue with Necktie with school emblem (Thursday)
(White blouse with plain white sando or chemise)
(Length of skirt: 5 inches below the knee)
Plain Flat black closed leather shoes with plain white full socks (no sandals).

For Boys:
Long dark navy blue pants of standard cut (not skinny; no denim or maong)
White polo shirt with the school logo sewn on the left pocket
Plain white undershirt
Plain / black / full socks and plain black closed leather shoes. (No to iconic socks)

Important: Students who due to inevitable circumstances are unable to wear the proper uniform must secure a permit from the office of the Principal before attending their classes.

Each student wears prescribed PE Uniform on PE days only. Jogging pants should be worn with plain white full socks and rubber shoes (no sneakers).

All students should have a decent hair cut/hair style. Extreme hairstyles, semi bald or bald head and colored hair are not allowed. The hair should be properly groomed.

For Girls: Hair must be kept tidy and off the face.
For Boys: The hair shall not touch the collar of the polo shirt or the ears.

Simplicity is the key word. Wearing unnecessary accessories like bar pins/ back pins, jewelry and the likes is not allowed.
NO earrings for boys.
NO pierced nose, tongue, etc.
NO tattoos.
More than one pair of earrings for girls are not allowed.
Make up and nail polish are discouraged.

1. All students are required to attend class regularly and on time.
2. Punctuality and regular attendance of classes and other school activities start from flag ceremony.
3. The inability to attend classes for valid reasons should be reported immediately to the adviser either by phone or in writing. The Student Handbook has a form to fill up when a student is absent.
4. Students who have been absent regardless of the reason are held responsible for all school work missed during their absence.
5. All letters of excuse must be signed by a Parent or Guardian.
6. In case of prolonged absence due to illness, a medical certificate signed by the attending physician must be presented.
7. A student who is absent in excess of 20% of the total number of school days shall be dropped/retained as DepEd regulations.
8. A student must not leave the room without asking permission from the subject teacher in-charge of the class.
9. A student is considered late if he is not inside the room upon the arrival of the Teacher. Late students must secure admission slip from the office of the Principal or Guidance Counselor. Use the admission slip found in the Student Handbook.
10. Habitual absenteeism/tardiness/cutting classes are sufficient reasons for the school to recommend the student to transfer to another school.
11. No student is allowed to go out of the room in between classes/subjects. The student shall wait for the next teacher to ask permission if he wants to go to the restroom.
12. Should a teacher be late on his way to class, the class President should take charge of the class by keeping classmates inside the room in silence. In case a teacher has not arrived after 10 minutes the class President must report the matter to the office of the Principal.
13. Interruption of classes is not allowed. Students should not excuse a student –friend, sister or brother from class just because he wants to borrow a book or calculator. It can be done only on emergencies.
14. All students are required to attend the flag ceremony at 6:50AM on scheduled days.
15. The gate will be closed at 7:30 – 11:20 AM 1:00 – 5:20 PM.
16. The school guards and the Janitors are not allowed to accept “habilin” such as keys, baon, books, projects, etc., forgotten at home by the students. They should wait at recess time to personally hand the items to their children.
17. Suspension of classes on Stormy Days. Signal No. 2 in Quezon or First District of Quezon automatically cancels classes. In the absence of Typhoon signal, but there is an inclement weather always think of the Safety of the child . Parents have the discretion not to send child to school for his safety. Lucban is in Northern Quezon and in CALABARZON or Region IV-A.
18. Students may stay in school not later than 6 o’clock unless with written permission signed by the Principal / assistant Principal.
19. Students who come late will only be allowed to enter classes of the next period upon securing the signature of the Guidance Counselor or the Principal.

1. Respect, courtesy and politeness at all times is expected from all members of the school community.
2. Greeting everyone including visitors should be properly observed.
3. A short prayer is recited before and after each class.
4. Students will not be allowed to go out, peep out of the room or stay along the corridor while waiting for the next teacher.
5. If a teacher had not arrived after 10 minutes, the class President must report the matter to the office of the Principal.
6. Students should go out of the classroom with the Teacher’s permission and should wear the Class Pass while outside the room.
7. Avoid loitering or running along corridors, making boisterous laughter and unnecessary noise during class hours and in-between periods.
8. Electrical and electronic gadgets maybe brought to school only if required by the teacher and may be used only in class activities or projects.
9. Permission to move or change seat should be obtained if a change is needed.
10. Avoid combing hair, putting powder and the likes during class hours.
11. Students are not allowed to stand on any furniture, sit on the arms of the chairs, sit on the teachers table/chair.
12. Always leave the room clean and orderly with chairs properly arranged, lights and fans are switched off.
13. When attending convocations and assemblies:
a. Shouting and loitering should be avoided
b. Students should applaud properly and refrain from whistling, yelling or uttering expression as “yeah” or “more”. This type of cheering may be acceptable for some games but never for assemblies and formal functions.
14. Damage to properties due to carelessness/ negligence must be paid/ replaced by the student concerned.

1. At 6:50AM, the Morning ceremony is held on assigned days.
Prayer is said.
The Phil. National Anthem is sung.
Pledge of Allegiance is recited.
School song is sung.
Important announcements are made.
2. First Bell – Call to assemble for the Flag Ceremony Second Bell – Call to silence
Third Bell – Call to start the ceremony 3. Students who arrive at the second bell are considered LATE.
4. Advisers and 7AM teachers should be present in the morning assembly to make sure that the procedures are strictly followed.
5. In going to their classrooms, students should maintain their lines, observe silence and pass thru designated stairs and areas.
Academicians should remember to:
1. Show respect to teachers, classmates, school personnel and all individuals in the school.
2. Greet everyone in the school.
3. Avoid creating noise in the campus.
4. Avoid serious physical or verbal fights in and out of school premises.
5. Avoid bringing
a. Morally offensive objects, pictures/videos or writings
b. Paint, spray, marking pens, matches, or lighters, gas, alcohol.
c. Deadly weapons such as hard and pointed objects, knives and explosives such as pillbox and firecrackers.
d. Liquor, cigarettes, game cards, drugs, marijuana, etc.
e. Electrical/electronic equipments and gadgets such as cellphones, ipad, laptop, DVD or CD players (unless with permission from the office of the Principal)
f. Expensive jewelries and the like
6. Refrain from writing or marking any place in the school or property of the school (chair, tables, door, etc.)
7. Report damages or breakage done accidentally or intentionally by others.
8. Maintain cleanliness in all places in the school.
9. Secure a gate pass if there is a need to go home during class hours.
10. Wear the Class Pass and ask the Subject Teacher’s permission if they want to go to the restroom during class hours. Going out is one at a time.
Character is shown in actions. When out of the school premises, Academicians are expected to:
1. Be accountable of their words and actions, especially when wearing the school uniform.
2. Not to use the school uniform in public gatherings, especially if they are not to represent the school. Never ever attend parties, drinking sessions, fraternity assemblies, etc. in school uniform.
3. Never use the name of the school, seal of the school, school uniform in joining contests or activity without a written permission from the office of the Principal.
4. Exercise courtesy when getting in a tricycle, jeepney or any public transportation or public place.
5. Avoid attracting attention with unbecoming behavior such as boisterous yelling, loud laughter, giggling and scandalizing conversations. Always talk in a soft tone.
6. Avoid disposing garbage or trashes in the streets or public transportation or public places.
7. Refrain from giving names to others or making fun of others weaknesses.
8. Show respect to the Security Guards and the school helpers.
9. Attend school activities on time and get involved in activities where they can hone talents, skills and interests.
10. Wearing the school uniform outside the school functions and beyond 7:00 in the evening is strictly prohibited.

Students must be accountable of their action. Rules and regulations are set to promote law and order. With certain sanctions and penalties, the school wants the students to be aware of the importance of law and order to attain discipline:
After proper investigation, the penalties imposed upon offenders:
1. Oral reprimand/warning
2. Written warning (Violation Report)
A letter will be sent to the parent informing him of the violation committed by the student.
3. Suspension
A student will not be allowed to attend his regular classes for a certain number of days depending on the gravity of the offense. The absence is unexcused so the student is responsible for keeping self updated regarding the lessons and requirements.
a. Ordinary suspension – The student is forbidden from attending his classes but stays in the office of the Guidance Counselor or any office assigned by the Principal / Guidance Counselor or Prefect of Discipline.
b. Preventive suspension – prohibits the students’ presence in school or any school activity.
4. Prohibition – restriction from participating in school functions such as Commencement Exercise, sports, JS Prom, Graduation.
5. Disciplinary Probation – serves as a final warning imposed for one calendar year on a student found guilty of consistent misbehavior or a single break of conduct.
a) May not be allowed to attend extra and co-curricular activity.
b) Not qualified to be chosen or elected as a leader or officer of any organization.
c) Probation maybe lifted if student improved. If he did not show improvement, he will be recommended to transfer school upon the Recommendation of the Discipline Committee.
6. Dismissed
It s the final disciplinary measure after all attempts for correction had been applied. Dismissal or separation means that the student will be dropped from the list, will stop his schooling in Lucban Academy and will not be re-admitted.
7. Expulsion
Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, the student gets the final and most serious sanction that is, Expulsion.

Each private school shall have the authority and prerogative to promulgate such reasonable norms, rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the maintenance of good discipline. The school rules governing student discipline and the corresponding sanctions must be clearly specified in writing and made available to the students, or their parents or guardians.
The following are offenses classified according to gravity, with corresponding penalties: